WE'RE BACK IN ACTION! Happy New Year Everyone -- hope you had an amazing holiday period <3

Behind the Misfits

  • Waste Free Feijoa Recipes

    Waste Free Feijoa Recipes

    Ever feel like you're throwing away half the fruit when you eat feijoa? Here we have 4 epic recipes - all including the skins - perfect for feijoa season when you have them coming out of your ears! FEIJOA FRITTERS...

  • Colourful Cauliflower - purple, green, orange - are they natural or GMO?

    Colourful Cauliflower - purple, green, orange - are they natural or GMO?

    Many consumers may be familiar only with white cauliflower because this is the most widely available type, but DID YOU KNOW back in the day, cauliflowers were naturally colourful! The predominant white colour that we now know is actually a result of crosses over...

  • Misfit Garden Taupo New Zealand wonky vegetable subscription lemon hamilton rotorua tauranga whakatane

    Simply the Zest!

    Have you noticed lemons are super expensive in big retail stores at the moment? (they are currently sitting at $9/kg where we are) and at the same time there are 1000's of kilos going to waste each week for not...

  • Reduce, Reuse, and THEN recycle

    Reduce, Reuse, and THEN recycle

    Look what we have here!  We stopped printing white boxes about 6 months ago... and look what has turned up once again at our door! We all know the rules reduce, reuse, AND THEN recycle! Recycling is just a cop...

  • Mushroom Farm Visits!

    Mushroom Farm Visits!

    Last week we went to visit a Quality mushrooms, an organic mushroom farm just outside Hamilton. We literally had no clue about how a commerical mushroom farm would look so were really excited to see what it was all about!...

  • Atiamuri School Fundraiser

    Atiamuri School Fundraiser

    The kids from Atiamuri School are doing a fundraiser to generate funds for their Summer camp A local farmer donated a corner of their sweetcorn paddock for the school to sell, but the teachers have since thought that it may...

Recipe Ideas

We are a zero waste business

We hate to see food wasted so whenever we have surplus produce it gets donated to charity food banks around Taupō.

If you're in the Taupō area and know your box gets delivered by the Misfit van, you're in luck! We will collect your old boxes and put them to use again, leave them out for us in a dry spot on delivery day.