Fruit & Veg | Medium
This lil ripper is a smaller version of our larger Fruit & Veg Misfit Box; you will find most of the same items but this box is catering for those that need/want less fruit & veg each week. We don't want food waste at home!
Our Mini Box packs lots of yummy fresh fruit and vegetables - perfect for a vegan/veggie individual or a couple. This epic box will be made up of 3-4 staples (eg potatoes, lettuce, oranges, apples, broccoli, carrots) and 3-5 seasonal items (eg capsicum, courgette, fennel, butternut)
This box is around 5-6kg, but can vary from week to week depending on contents
Please note: Our cut off for ordering is Monday 4pm. Any orders made after then will be delivered the following week.